Jean CharlotÕs Corrigenda to his ÒJosŽ-Clemente
1rst version
To be revised.
1rst published Forma No 6.
Page 25, right column:
line 19: replace ÒaestheticÓ with ÒasceticÓ
line 42: after ÒintelligenciaÓ add Òpriests of pure plasticÓ
ÒprimarysÓ instead of ÒuninitiatedÓ[1]
line 46: replace ÒcanÓ with Òescape toÓ[2]
lines 46–47: Replace ÒIn these experimentsÉfailureÓ with ÒThis could not be done.Ó
line 52: replace ÒmeÓ with Òof himselfÓ
line 56: after ÒcomplexitiesÓ add Òuntamed by the eaterÓ
lines 56–57: replace Òthe process of this painterÕs workÓ with Òhis process of workÓ
Page 26, left column:
line 14: replace ÒtracesÓ with Òsegments.Ó
line 16: after ÒqualitiesÓ add Òdifferent from the components.Ó
line 37: replace Òa curiousÓ with ÒanÓ
Page 26, right column:
line 8: replace ÒdiagonalsÓ with Òa diagonalÓ
line 10: replace ÒsustainÓ with ÒbuttressÓ
line 14: at ÒarchÓ Charlot notes Òpart missingÓ
lines 22–24: Òpart missingÓ[3]
line 31: after ÒwithÓ Charlot notes Òpart missingÓ
line 35: after ÒfrescosÓ Charlot notes Òpart missingÓ